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Increase Profits with Our Business Management Software

“The corporation is doing well. In fact it could do more, but it is working at full capacity.” These are words often heard when talking to office managers at technical service corporation.

The only solution appears to be hiring more field operatives. But this could mean adding to your monthly costs and increasing the risks. The answer is not to hire new staff but to look for ways to do more with the staff you already have.

Eworks Manager’s Business Management Software allows you to look for ways to do more with the staff you already have. Through this, you can successfully increase revenue and profit while improving customer and employee satisfaction.

Better Scheduling

The manual organization of jobs can take up a lot of valuable time. As a corporation grows, this task also becomes more complicated as more information needs to be communicated and transferred between different departments and clients.

With our business management software, you can simply book work into the calendar and send email and SMS confirmations to your customers. You can also keep your field operatives informed in real time, saving them from having to come back to the office for their work sheets.

Your field operatives can also view and access customer information, such as your client’s address, job details, parts required, telephone numbers etc.

Improved efficiency in the office

It’s not only the field operatives’ time that is precious – as the office manager, yours is too. One of the biggest problems with the manual organization of jobs is that information is scattered across different processes. This usually results in you having to enter the same information repeatedly.

Business management software automates this process and instantly stores all information in one secure place. For example, our invoicing feature draws on your customer records, worksheets and other information to generate invoices and statements automatically.

Our business management software also syncs with your field operatives, allowing you to offload many tasks. Field operatives can furthermore estimate onsite by with a few clicks on a smartphone or tablet.

Increase opportunities through Business Management Software

Business management software not only saves you time, but it allows you and your staff to make better use of your time in and out of the office. With our trigger software you are less likely to miss out on work opportunities. You can also schedule a large project in advance and comply with your client’s needs. As well as this, you can also repeat jobs. This is ideal if you have a client who requires your services on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

The more you succeed in automating your timesheets, record-keeping, invoicing, parts management and other admin tasks, the more time you and your field operatives have to do profitable things.

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