Electrical Contractor Software

The ideal software for managing your team of electricians out in the field.

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The Most Effective Way to Manage Your Electrical Team in the Field. For a 14-Day Free Trial, click here!

Create, Customize & Email Estimates

Create & Schedule Tasks and Appointments

Track Workers & Monitor Job Progress

Authorize & Invoice Immediately

Electrical Contractor Software - The Perfect Field Management Software for Electrical Contractors

How Can Our Electrical Contractor Software Help Your Business?

Managing your workforce can be a difficult task as an electrical contractor. From organizing electrical rewires to test certificates, there are many things to consider. Fortunately, with Eworks Manager's electrical software, you can keep your electrical business organized and efficient – all within one system!

Making use of our system allows you to keep track of every job, payment, expense, and even your electricians. This ensures you have a birds eye view of your entire business and every operation conducted.

Schedule Tasks, Appointments and Recurring Jobs for Maintenance

Track & manage your sales, jobs, employees, improve work productivity, and grow profits.
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Complete & Manage Digital Electrical Certificates

Eworks Manager can digitize any of your important paper documents, including certificates. The Mobile App provides your electricians access to these certificates so that they can fill them out on-site. These mobile documents are stored digitally within the system, so you never have to carry around the paperwork.

Re-active Job Scheduling Based on Location

With our built-in job tracker, electrical contractors can easily manage and track their workforce. They can access their field technician's work schedules and monitor the status of their jobs and locations. With our Vehicle Tracking feature, business owners and supervisors can also track their drivers' live on a job. Our notification section furthermore eliminates wasted time and prevents delays in communication.

Electronic Questionnaires to Ensure Health and Safety

Create Field Service Questionnaires for electricians to fill out when they arrive on-site, or for clients to complete for feedback. The questionnaire feature can help to ensure that every electrician follows Health and Safety regulations. For example, a questionnaire could ask the electrician if they are wearing safety gear when they arrive on-site. This feature is excellent for gathering extra information from a job, electrician, or customer.

Assign Your Electricians to Jobs

Schedule all your jobs in no time with Eworks Manager's job planner. You can access the planner on your desktop, mobile device, or tablet. You can also digitally schedule all worksheets in advance for each planned job. Because all worksheets are digital, certificates can be completed and signed for on-site via the Mobile App. Booking in recurring jobs is also really easy. The system automatically stores them, and they will reappear closer to the appointment. You can then easily assign a worker to each recurring job.

Create Leads and Estimates and Track Conversions

Capture and manage details for potential customers or opportunities for your electrical business.

Managing leads has never been easier. You can convert qualified leads to estimates or quote clients immediately from the office or in the field. Keep track of the status of your estimates and convert accepted estimates to jobs for easy scheduling.

Authorize Jobs & Invoice Immediately

Eworks Manager's Invoice Management Software lets you manage your invoices on the move and edit your draft invoices. You can email invoices directly to clients and change the status of an invoice.

Save time by generating invoices on the Mobile App and sending your invoices immediately after completing a job.

The Complete Business System

Take a look at these other features that would benefit your business

Electrical Contractor Software FAQs

1How will Electrical Contractor Software benefit my electricians?
Your electricians will benefit immensely by not needing to complete paperwork anymore. Our App removes the paperwork from the field and automates timekeeping and updating the office on the status of jobs in real-time.
2What can I do with Electrical Software?
Create electrical jobs or worksheets from the Admin System or Mobile App. Our Electrical Contractor Software also has a virtual board that allows you to see all your jobs that have been booked.
3Will Electrical Contractor Software improve efficiency?
Eworks Manager was developed to enhance the efficiency of your entire business, including everyone in your team. One useful feature of our software is the digitization of your paper documents. The system is available on the Admin System, which is usually utilized by your admin staff. The Mobile App is designed for your team of electrical engineers. The App allows mobile workers to create jobs, send estimates, and more. With everything controlled from within one system, your electricians can spend more time focusing on their job at hand.
4Can I monitor my electricians?
Eworks Manager offers Vehicle Tracking, Live Mobile Tracking, and Job Tracking. These tracking features allow you to see the live location of your electricians in the field and receive automatic updates on the progress of their jobs.

Get Started with a Free 14-Day Trial

Manage your team and tasks quicker and easier. Streamline your business and go paperless, today!

Secured data. No fixed-term contracts. No card details needed.