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Mobile Payments - Log Payments On-site with Our Job Payment App
Collect Deposits or Complete Payments On The Go From The Eworks Manager App
With the Eworks Manager App, you can log payments against a job or invoice while on the move, which you can then send back over to the admin system for the office staff to view, so everyone within the business knows what payments have been taken and haven't!
With this quick and easy feature, mobile workers don't need to rush back into the office at the end of the day or spend most of their time on the phone to the office staff as they can do everything they need on the Eworks Manager Mobile App while on the move! Payments have never been simpler!
You can see in the full history of the job, which customer it was for, which site and which user has logged the payment, so you can handle your finances efficiently!

Receive Payments from the App
The Eworks Manager Mobile App Payment feature helps your field operatives save time and allows them to do everything they need on App while on the move! Keeping track of payments has never been more manageable!

Record a Full Job History
Eworks Manager's App lets you see a full job history and the customer's details. You can also track which site the job was on and which user has logged the payment. This is a useful feature for when there are multiple technicians on one project.